The IFSB Overview
CourseThis module will help you to understand about IFSB, what are the standards that are issued by the IFSB and how the standards are developed.
IFSB-1: Guiding Principles of Risk Management for IIFS
CourseThis module is covering IFSB's first ever published standard - Risk management for Islamic financial institution (IIFS). It will help you to understand risks specific to IIFS as well as peculiarities of common risks in Islamic contracts.
IFSB-6: Guiding Principles on Governance for Islamic Collective Investment Schemes
CourseThis course is coming in March 2023.
IFSB-8: Guiding Principles on Governance for Takāful (Islamic Insurance) Undertakings
CourseThis course is coming in March 2023.
IFSB-10: Guiding Principles on Shari'ah Governance Systems for IIFS
CourseThis course will be available in January 2023.
IFSB-16: Revised Guidance on Key Elements in the Supervisory Review Process of IIFS (Banking Segment)
CourseThis course will be available in February 2023.